How we are funded

The NXG Trust is funded though a combination of sources, including:
– Individual donations and fundraising
– Room hire and course fees for some of our activities
– Grants and contracts
– Rental income from properties.

Support us:
If you would like to support the work of the Trust, we would love to hear from you. Please donate via our Local Giving webpage. Or you could take part in a fundraising challenge and support us that way. Check out our fundraising pages for ideas on exciting challenge events that might inspire you! You can also support us whenever you shop, by registering with ‘easy‘ 

Key funders:
Key funders at the current time include: London Borough of Lewisham, The Co-Operative Community Fund and Hyde Housing. We would like to thank all of them for their continued support for our work.

Rental income:
The New Cross Gate Trust’s core funding comes from rental income from a number of properties which we are fortunate to own. This funding supports our main staffing and overhead costs and provides for the delivery of a proportion of our activities. Other funding sources such as grants, contracts and donations are vital to enable us to continue our work.