Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved in the work of the Trust. Come along and experience all of the activities on offer, support our fundraising effort, volunteer with us, apply for any vacancies, develop new skills or even help us develop new projects.



Becoming a Trustee at New Cross Gate Trust is an excellent way to support your local community, apply your skills and broaden your experience.​

Trustees are volunteers and serve on the Board, which is responsible for the effective running of the organisation and for ensuring the charity meets its objectives. Typically, Board meetings take place every other month.​

We currently have vacancies for Resident Board members, who should live in the surrounding area. We are also interested in Trustees who have experience from working in the healthcare and education sectors. If you’d like to find out more, please contact

This is an unpaid role that would act as part of our Board of Trustees.

General recruitment information

There are only a very small number of permanent or fixed-term staff within the Trust. Any vacancies are advertised publicly as and when these arise. We also have a number of sessional staff who deliver specific projects from time to time. These are developed around the priorities of the Trust and according to funding availability. If you would be interested in talking to the Trust, either with a project idea which you would like to develop, or with specific skills that you may be able to offer, we would be happy to hear from you.

Please send your CV (including 2 references), and a covering letter stating the types of projects you may be interested in to: We will keep your CV on file and contact you should any suitable opportunities arise.

The New Cross Gate Trust is an accredited London Living Wage Employer.

London Living Wage


We are always in need of volunteers to help us with a whole range of tasks. These include:
– working in our community garden,
– supporting community events,
– helping with day-to-day tasks such as the publication of our regular newsletter,
– helping with our school groups,
– or even applying to be one of our resident Board members.

If you have any skills, experience or interest that you would like to offer (or gain) from volunteering with the NXG Trust, then please feel free to contact the office. We would love to hear from you. Please contact Jill Mountford on 0207 639 7605 or to discuss this in more detail.


We are always in search of new funding to enable us to improve and expand the services we deliver, to meet the needs of our local community.

The Trust welcomes any donations from the general public to help keep our services running. Please donate here if you can! you can also fundraise for us simply by shopping online. If you sign up with and upload their pop-up donation reminder then every time you shop or book a holiday online, we will receive a donation, at no cost to you. Its a no brainer! 

You could also fundraise for our cause….choose a challenge, something you have always wanted to do, and then simply set up your own fundraising page with the New Cross Gate Trust as your chosen charity. There are loads of challenge events to choose from – have a look for what inspires you on, and then simply choose us as your charity. 


Or if you just want to keep up to date, then you can subscribe to our e-newsletter, or like us on Facebook.